Wednesday, October 28

My Baby You....

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Tak tahu nak describe perasaan bila tgk Aisya sakit,
Cuba jd kuat (tak nangis) nak lalui semua ni,
Tp bila tgk Aisya tidur dlm keadaan suhu bdn yg sgt2 tinggi cecah 40 degree,
Tidur pun bunyi mengerang, aduhai, nak luruh jantung rasanya..
Kesian sgt tgk tomey2 tanggung sakit mcm ni..

Dr hari Isnin (19 oct) malam, Aisya dah mula demam,
Hari Selasa ke DEMC, Rabu juga ke DEMC, doctor suh admit tp mama n papa decide nak monitor dulu, smpai ptg nmpak mcm ok, panas dah kurang,
Hari Khamis, mama pi kerja, request papa utk standby jg Aisya kat rumah nenek,
Rupanya demam dtg lagi, smpai DEMC doctor cepat2 basahkan kain utk lap Aisya sbb tempreture terlampau tinggi..
Mama balik dr ofis (sempat keja 1 jam je), trus ke DEMC n Aisya harus admit..

Seksa tgk Aisya kena drip, nangis kuat gila mcm kena dera + seksa ngan doctor n nurses sepanjang procedure.. mcm kena carik2 jantung mama tgk Aisya masa tu.. OMG
@ DEMC, tiap2 hari tempreture Aisya naik turun tak menentu, dahla tak selesa dgn drip kat tangan, Aisya asyik tunjuk pintu ajak keluar, x tak mau duk dlm bilik..

Hari Sabtu, bdn Aisya naik ruam, kata nenek ni demam campak (measles), tp doctor kata bukan.. yg pasti lg tinggi tempreture, lg bnyk ruam tu keluar.. smpai satu tahap, kaki, mulut, jari semua jd biru n Aisya gigil.. Nangis lagi mama, sbb terlampau takut, Aisya dah tak henti nangis, gigi dah berlaga2 (sejuk kot)..Mama pelluukkk Aisya kuat2 supaya rasa panas, smpai Aisya kurang menggigil.. Mama tgk muka papa - risau, muka nenek - risau, tok - risau.. Mama nangis lg dan lg dan lg..
Kalaula bleh trfer sakit tu kat mama..

4 mlm kami di DEMC, Aisya discharged on Monday 26/10/09, doctor tgk demam Aisya tak recurring within 24 hours, tu sbb bleh balik..
Nak keluar, nak cabut drip, Aisya nangis lagi.. Mama tau mesti sakit sgt.. Tangan bengkak air,dlm 2 or 3 hari mungkin surut kata doctor..

Hari ni, mama dah nmpak GLOW kat muka Aisya, my real Aisya is back!! Alhamdulilah..
Aisya dah mula menari, mula cakap2, mula respond, owhh dah gelak dekah2.. hmm rindunye Aisya..

p/s: To Papa - thank you for ur patience, kindness, understanding, and thank you for ur never ending love..
To Nenek, Opah and Toks - we thanked you guys for ur concern and time, not forgetting; ur love MMUUAAHHH

Monday, October 19

human nature or is it nurture?

rynn works on shifts, and her off days are not usually on weekends, so i'm privileged enough to be able to be a full time house husband on those weekends. on these particular days i would spent the whole time with lil sayang, playing my caretaker part, and at times we do go out on little excursion to the mall, fast-food joints, etc.

It's on these outings, a clumsy dad with the cute little munchkin, would go out into the open world without the security of a caring mom and we meet a lot of people on these trips.

if you are a parent, a father particularly, you would have noticed the extra attention that is required of us when we bring along a baby, that wonderful little explorer of ours. Its during these bring-along(s) that i've come to know along good folks around us. people who:-
  • open doors for you when they see you stumbling to carry your baby in the sling, while pushing baby-related stuff.
  • offer help to transfer groceries from the shopping cart to the cashier when they see you with a sleeping child on your elbow.
  • these are the same people who would let you get in front of them in long queues.
  • go out of the way to pick up things the lil one would drop on the floor,
  • they do it without being asked to, do it with grace and smile, and they make my day.
but its not everyday i meet these people. i do get people staring at me when my child is slightly noisy, as if we've invaded their privacy. i feel sad sometimes when aisya drops her pacifier while im helplessly carrying her and all the other stuff, and the person in front of me merely shifts her feet so that i can bend down with everything on me to pick it up. i feel really sad to know that there are those among us who couldn't-care-less about others, who are like soulless-walking-flesh. I don't want sympathy, heck i dont even need it from you, what i do need is some consideration.

just imagine, if it affects a able-bodied person like me, what then to those single mothers carrying all her lil darlings along?

i promise myself that i would show my child(ren) not what they should do, but essentially how they would like others to treat them. the reason simply being, when the people treat me with little courtesy like opening doors and making ways in elevator, it warms and touch me, it strengthens my belief that they are good folks around, that people arent born nasty.

to those kind souls out there, my most genuine and heart-felt smiles are dedicated to you.

Thursday, October 15

my worries as a dad

these are my concerns:

i'm worried i'm not a good enough role model for my dotting child.

i'm worried she'll be disappointed that one day when she asks me math question and i would be clueless.

i'm worried when i see kids too young to be be doing what they are doing on the streets.

i'm worried about the kind of education she'll go through.

i'm worried about a lot of other things.

parenthood is certainly rewarding, as much as it is worrisome.

Wednesday, October 14

aisya says...

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what do pop & ma expect?
i cant talk yet duh!


I bet you have noticed the excessive amount of ads bombarded daily through every medium possible, the mass media, in all the bills (astro/celcom), and what not, but it kinda raised my eyebrow when i start having people who meet me greeting "Salam 1Malaysia" instead of the normal good morning.

Was Malaysia ever more than 1 that you need to proclaim it as such?

I understand the need to unite the people,

but i think we can really call ourselves Malaysians,
  • when a chinese is able to tell me in jest that the malays are simply lazy without me wielding a keris at him.
  • when a malay can tell his chinese buddy that all chinese are cheats when it comes to money, without the friend swearing profanities at him,
  • and when we can tell an indian that all indians are "kaki belit" without being hit with a hockey stick.
we're so sensitive towards all racial markers, that i think we really need learn to be insensitive.

and please, do we really need theme songs for every other awareness campaign?

all we need is some people, some brotherly universal ♥.

Wednesday, October 7

Aisya , GiGi, BerJaLaN n Kasut

Bulan Sept'09 baru ni performance kerja agak tak bagus, sbb ada MC, EL (aisya demam + pakcik meninggal dunia) dan TIMEOFF.. Annual Leave dah la tinggal sikit je, iskk harap2 Aisya ni kesihatannye bagus la.. Main reason paragraph ni sebenarnye nak cerita yg bulan september ni performance tak brape bagus sbb anak kesayangan intan payung umbrella kerap2 kali tak sihat..bulan aisya tumbuh gigi, walaupun last update (16/9/2009), ade dinyatakan gigi blom kuar, tp skrg dah ade!! CAKK!!

Ckp pasal gigi aisya ni,rasa nak gelak.. pertama, rasanya mcm agak lmbat baby tumbuh gigi umur 9 bulan (sbb tgk anak org lain sebaya Aisya dah ade at least 4 batang; 2 atas + 2 bwh), kedua, setakat hari ni, Aisya dah kuar 2 btg gigi; 1 di bawah (tengah) n 1 di atas (bukan yg tengah, tp kat tempat yg taring tu ;p) cuba kasik jari kalau berani, ketar2 kpala die gigit woo!! ketiga, makanan bayi dah makin tak gemar, salah sy sendiri jugak, suka kasik aisya try mknan mcm2, n die plak semua benda go ajekk, lagi syokla teman suap.. Ntahla, kalau ikut perkiraan pak n mak nujum, tu la sbb bdn die sat ok, sat mcm nak demam, nak meragam + memerap.. sbb GiGi ni la..

Tp dgn adanye bantuan nenek, pembantu, tok n papa, alhamdulilah, dgn kudrat yg Allah beri ni segalanya dpt diharungi.. walaupun slalu merungut sbb kena dukung aisya (sbb tak larat, aisya ni tulang besi urat dawai, tak duk diam masa dukung, asyik nak memanjat mcm spiderman), bukan ape, sbb utama adalah t**t, kehkeh, ade sorang lagi dibo2 dlm perut.. gynea pesan jgn slalu sgt dukung Aisya, tak bagus, risau prelabour plak.. doa2 jauhkanla dr prelabour tu..

Gigi dah kuar, Berjalan?? haa ni best part nak update, aisya masa 7 bulan dah mula memanjat, jalan meniti perabot atau objek2 berdekatan, so kami assumed die ni cepatla jalannye (maksud sy ialah jln sendiri tanpa bantuan ape2), so dgn konfidennya sy tempah baju kurung raya dgn harapan Aisya nmpak segak berbaju kurung n bleh berjalan.. kehkeh, tp rupanya die tak mau / belum sedia nak jalan lagi..Tp sampai hari ni, setakat 5 tapak jln tanpa bantuan tu dah bleh dah.. Alhamdulilah, nak kena rajin melayan n training smbil gelak2, baru la berjaya n die nak cuba.. hmm bnyk akal btul ini amoii!! Walker? dulu masa die 5 bulan kot, ade beli, tp Aisya sgt2 benci n rimas duk dlm tu.. Walker tu hanya jadi bahan die tolak kesana kemari je, duk dalam tu?? huh tak layann n nangis suh angkat keluar..

Walaupun baru berjinak2 dgn aktiviti berjalan ni, ade satu issue timbul.. Aisya tak suka pakai kasut n sewaktu dgnnye.. tak smpai 1 min, die sendiri tanggalkan.. Ntah ape yg die rimas pasal kasut, kami blom jumpa jawapan lagi.. takkan nak kaki ayam plak tomey2?? dlm rumah ok la, ni kat luar pun nak redah, kes berat nih.. takpe, mungkin aisya pun nak kasut comfy mcm org lain? Nnt mama papa usaha dapatkan..

Sy kaji selidik + perhati Aisya, byk character die yg sama dgn papaRidz.. Manja + memerap, mcm lebih ke mama (sbb papa die garang woo!! Aisya slalu merajuk ngan papa esp kalau papa balik kerja lmbat) tp sifat2nya lebih ke papa. Cara merajuk, refused to look at papa's face.. toleh muka tgk benda or tempat lain.. Dramaqueen btol, skill nangis tipu yg kadang2 mama n papa bleh terpedaya.. Moga2 Aisya pandai mcm papa, Mama? Mama baikkkk! (Jgn muntah u'olls) kwang2kwang!!! Adeke patut puji diri sendiri??

Dah macam merapu ni.. oraitlah, smpai cni dulu, chioww!!

p/s: bila agaknye nak buat open house ni? Sgt hepi dpt kumpul ramai2 kan?kan?

Friday, October 2

hows the new look?

Salam raya peeps, lama sungguh tak update, pelbagai cerita nak dikongsi, tapi badan penat, otak letih, masa suntuk, bila ye nak update?

this is our blog post no. 101, the mark the occasion, we've changed the look, but sigh some stuff are missing due to some glitches.